Monday, April 15, 2013

Weekend joys!

Do you know what this is? It is heaven! A little slice of heaven that God put on this earth to show he was here with us! Coming from a state that could not grow lilacs, I was sooooooo excited when I saw this spectacular beauty in the nursery!!!! People looked at me odd as the noises I was making were a little strange.....

It smells divine and I know this picture does not do it justice, but it is just beautiful!

I planted it right by my bedroom window!!!! Heaven I tell you, heaven!

In another week or two, I will finish planting in this area on the side of the house. It was bare and I did not expect to find such treasure on this particular trip.

The very next day we got more rain which = less watering :)

However, the pollen is REALLY bad right now! When I say bad, think the movie, The Fog but in pollen form! Seriously people! Don't believe me? Check out in the crack of the driveway, see that green stuff? It ain't paint! It is pollen! With the rain it makes pollen puddles everywhere! Everything is coated in this stuff! You can just feel it all over you when you go outside!!!

Since it was raining on my parade of other things planned.... I decided to put together my worm bin. We had gotten red wigglers to go fishing the other week. We had a bunch left over and I told my wonderful Hubby (really he is) that I was going to make a worm bin.
So one small rubbermaid container, burlap, some dirt, shredded newspaper, leaves, strawberry tops and cardboard and my worms had the making of a humble abode!
P.S. you need to drill drainage in the container and it needs to be moist inside.
I started small due to the amount of worms I had (about 25) and my lack of worm growing knowledge.
My hopes are that in a month these babies have reproduced like crazy and I have to move them to a bigger bin. I have a huge desire to use their castings in my gardens!!!
While it was still raining, I remembered that I had this weirdo creature in my crab apple tree. He reminds me of Alice in Wonderland (which I love)! I am not sure what kind of caterpillar he is though. Any ideas?

I can just see him blowing Hookah smoke at me now!

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